Boarding Drop Offs

  • Pets are to be brought to their kennel or run as promptly as possible.

  • Team member should verify on the boarding sheet and computer if the pet is due for any services, and verbally communicate that information to any treatment team members that are available (including doctors).

  • Team member should take inventory of all items listed on the boarding sheet, if any, to verify what is with pet

  • All food and belongings should be labeled with a printed Avimark label and placed in a cubby, which should also be labeled with a printed Avimark label (on the bar above the assigned cubby)

  • Medications should be inventoried, if pet comes with any, and placed in the wire basket on the treatment wall behind the desk computer. If medication is OTC without a label, an Avimark label should be printed and placed on the medication bottle or bag to indicate ownership.

  • Water and bedding (if applicable) should be offered immediately; food should be offered as part of the pet's feeding schedule (if free fed, food can be offered immediately)