Fecal Exams
Fecal samples should be run according to doctor instructions, float or smear
Floats should be set up corresponding to their room number on the blue tube holder in front of the centrifuges
For floats, collect the sample on a fecal loop and place it in a green-topped tube in front of the room trays. Make sure most of the sample gets into the vial, and close it with the connecting tube in the bag by the sink.
Shake the tube once it's closed, and place it triangle-side down in the white centrifuge - you will need to hit the grey circular arrow button to begin. This centrifuge is calibrated to run for the exact amount of time needed to run the sample on the Imagyst.
Place an empty loop in the tray inside the sink for washing
Once finished spinning, click the unlock button and collect your sample. Unscrew the top and place a white stamp circular side down just under the top of the liquid, stamp that liquid onto the slide, and cover with a black dotted Imagyst cover slip. See the demo near the sink - the Imagyst logo should be on the bottom left of the slide.
The VetScan website should be up and the requisition should be ready to click
You'll be able to select what test you're doing (AI fecal) and then choose your scanner
The appropriate scanner will slide out and you can load the slide with the Imagyst logo in the bottom left corner
Go back to the VetScan website and click Scan - results will populate when it's finished
For smears, consult your DVM on instructions