Prevention Protocols
All of our flea and tick products are FDA approved - this means we are not able to sell the products without a current VCPR (veterinarian-client-patient-relationship). CURRENT is a routine exam within the past 12 months.
Heartworm prevention can only be sold if we have a negative heartworm test on file within the past 12 months - the client has 30 days from the negative test to get prevention for their pet.
To refill heartworm prevention, or to get a ProHeart injection, the client needs to have been current on the prevention for the time span since their last heartworm test. If they lapse, we cannot fill the medication after day 30.
According to the American Heartworm Sociey, we must test for heartworm infection every year - our test also looks for tick borne diseases.
Puppies should be on heartworm prevention from their first check up, and are tested at their annual exam. Puppies under 7 months of age will just receive prevention - it takes 6 months for a microfilaria to mature into an adult heartworm, which is what our test is looking for.