Sending back incorrect orders

  • If an order comes in with an incorrect item, or not enough item (and that item is not noted as backordered), get in touch with the customer service line listed on the invoice

  • All of the information will be present on the invoice, including item number, order number and our information

  • Explain to the rep what happened - did the item arrive hot after being cold packed? did we get the wrong item (could happen with NeoPolyBac vs NeoPolyDex, for example)? is an item supposed to be in the shipment that is not there (says arrived in that box, but is missing)?

  • They will issue a call tag for the item and a return label. Have them email this label to instead of the normal email they would issue to.

  • Sometimes they do not want the item back, ask the Practice Manager or DVM how they would like to proceed with the incorrect item if that's the case.